Monty Smedley

Navigation Risk Assessment
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

Truro Port bridge development Navigational Risk Assessment


Navigation Risk Assessment

The Port of Truro in Cornwall is undergoing a transformative infrastructure development with the proposed Lighterage Quay Lifting Bridge, designed to create pedestrian and cycle link from Lighterage Quay to Boscawen Park, while maintaining a usable water route for ferries, pleasure boats and commercial operations.

MWJV Ltd, who are project managers working on behalf of Cornwall Council, commissioned ABPmer to deliver a Navigational Risk Assessment (NRA) to support the development of the bridge.

Integral to the planning and licensing process, the NRA supported the Environmental Statement for the project, evaluating potential risks during the construction and operational phases, ensuring the development complies with the national standard for running Ports and Harbours, the ‘Department for Transport Port Marine Safety Code’.

The NRA was informed by stakeholder consultations including local marine users and officers from Cornwall Council.  The consultation identified potential hazards typical of such developments.

ABPmer’s NRA found that the risks could be mitigated effectively with control measures. With proper management, the risks to navigation would remain low or negligible, allowing Truro’s port operations and recreational activities to continue safely. ABPmer’s role in ensuring these safety measures reflects our continued commitment to supporting sustainable infrastructure in marine environments.

Our risk assessments help port authorities minimise the risk of incidents as low as reasonably possible. Learn more about our Navigation Risk Assessment services.

Monty Smedley

Navigation Risk Assessment
+44 (0)23 8071 1892

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SO14 2AQ

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